How To Remember Your Dreams

Do you remember your dreams? Have you had dreams of flying or falling, exploring a castle with winding staircases, being chased by a large animal, your teeth falling out? All these are fairly common dreams. Do you wonder what they could mean, or if they mean anything? What difference could it make in your life if you understood their meaning. Let us help you discover the answers to these questions and open a whole inner world.

Many people think they don’t dream because they don’t remember their dreams.

When asked, “Do you remember your dreams?” The friend I was talking to responded quickly, “Oh no, I don’t want to. They’re too crazy and scary when I do remember them.” Many people disregard dreams as unimportant and meaningless. They are like Scrooge in Charles Dickens’, “A Christmas Carol”, who quipped, “more gravy than grave”, upon remembering a ghostly dream; just chalking it up to nothing more than something he ate.

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”


Actually our nighttime dreams are very important messages from our sub-conscious inner self. Dreams can give us valuable guidance, help to solve a problem, inspire, or comfort. There are recorded examples of famous artists, scientists, inventors and leaders who were guided to great discoveries through their dreams. There are many great works of art, scientific discoveries and inventions that have enriched our lives, which would not have been made if the artists and discoverers had not remembered their dreams. However, even what you may consider the most mundane or trivial dream can help you understand what happened in your experience yesterday or answer questions and give insight.

It is of vital importance to know how to interpret the message of your dream. The language we dream in is a picture-symbol language. When we know what the images we see mean it is like learning a new language. Suddenly those crazy dreams have meaning. An intuitive person can usually discern some meaning by realizing that everything in the dream is about the dreamer. The persons you see in your dreams are really some part of yourself, not actually that person.

At the School of Metaphysics one of the first and most important things we teach is dream interpretation. The first night of class I was instructed to get a dream journal and keep it by my bedside with a pen. The practice is to write in it every morning upon awakening. Even if I don’t remember a dream, I write the first thoughts I have upon awakening. After doing this for a while I began to understand myself better through the messages my dreams were giving me.

One of the first things we learn is that we always dream.

If you are asleep, you are dreaming, but there are many reasons why we don’t always remember them. Sometimes we experience a ‘drought’ in our dream recall. Even those of us who value remembering dreams very highly can go through periods of not remembering. During one of those times I collected many suggestions from teachers and classmates at the School of Metaphysics. I am happy to share the list of suggestions I gathered for anyone who wants to enrich self-understanding.

  1. Value your dreams; have a desire and expect to remember them.
  2. Envision yourself remembering dreams. See yourself sharing them with friends.
  3. Have a dream journal and pen at hand. Write in it as soon as you wake.
  4. Affirm, “I remember my dreams”, many times a day.
  5. Learn and practice dream interpretation.
  6. Awaken slowly.
  7. Set an alarm for 90 minutes after going to sleep.
  8. Do not eat before going to bed.
  9. Take B vitamins, especially B12.
  10. Think in pictures.
  11. Be persistent.

Some of these may not make sense or you may find that you would like further help. You can learn more about dream interpretation by going to our website, We also have many books on dream interpretation which you may order from our site.